We hope you enjoy what you ordered! But just in case you’re not 100% satisfied, we’ve made the return process super easy. Please note that return and refund policies may vary depending on local laws and regulations.
Customers can request a full refund within 24 hours of placing an order on Soncci.com.
Please note that if you request a refund 24 hours after placing your order and 24 hours before delivery, we will charge a transaction fee (2.6% for credit card users and 3.6% for PayPal users).
Cancellations cannot be made more than 30 days after the order has been shipped.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return your purchase with its original packaging for an exchange or refund within 30 days of receiving it.
If it’s been more than 30 days since your purchase, we can’t offer refunds or exchanges.
For quality issues, we will provide you with a full refund or a one-time free replacement within 30 days of receiving the item.
If your order has been shipped and you want to return it, please pick up the package first. Then contact our Sonci support via support@soncci.com for return instructions.
Please note that if you refuse to accept the shipment, double the shipping costs may be deducted from the original payment.
Return Process
Please contact Sonci support at support@soncci.com to begin the return process. Please provide them with proof of purchase.
You will receive instructions on how to properly pack the item and return it to us. Please ensure that all components are included in the package.
Once the product is returned to our warehouse, we will refund it within 14 business days. You will receive an email notification when your order is refunded. If you haven’t received your refund after 14 business days, please contact us at support@soncci.com.